Robert Osfield wrote:
> The bug certainly seems to be a cygwin bug, unless the OSG's handle is
> being corrupted
> for some reason.  This code works fine on other platforms so I
> wouldn't expect the later
> to be an issue.
> Perhaps you could write a small example that just loadeds the osg
> plugin, then unloads
> it all using dlopen/dlclose calls directly rather than using
> osgDB/osgconv, this would isolate
> the problem to just standard unix calls.

I was going to try that but here is another interesting catch - if I do:

osgconvd cow.osg brian.osg (or the equivalent in the debugger) 

I get the hang as I documented but....

If I do:

osgconvd cow.osg brian.jpg 


osgconvd test.jpg brian.cow

I simply get a message:

Error no data loaded.

This almost seems as if iot has something to do with the actually 
writing of the osg file when it writes the data and then something not 
terminating as it should.


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