Yes, I am using Cmake 2.6, with OSG svn, on the Mac. The symptoms of the
problem is that when Xcode tries to open a project generated by cmake, it
complains about syntax problems in the project file. Eric Wing worked around
the problem by not allowing a changed postfix.
Is there any reason we shouldn't require CMake 2.6 when compiling the latest
OSG? I will also see if a conditional based on cmake version will work for

On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 11:45 AM, Jean-Sébastien Guay <

> Hi Eric,
>  The latest SVN of osg has a problem when generating xcode projects with
>> cmake. In the main directory, CMakeLists.txt on line 349, is the following:
>> This causes problems on OSX. I would like to change this line to:
>> I don't know what implications this causes on other platforms. Is there a
>> good reason that there are all those extra quotes in the current build?
> What version of CMake are you using?
> Removing those escaped quotes is actually needed to be compatible with
> CMake 2.6. For now we work around it by just disabling the error message...
> I was under the impression that they were there because CMake 2.4.x didn't
> like the unquoted string, but if you're using CMake 2.4.x, then I don't
> know. At least, they didn't cause a problem with CMake 2.4.x on Windows and
> Linux.
> J-S
> --
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