Hello Eric,

Is there any reason we shouldn't require CMake 2.6 when compiling the latest OSG?

I don't think it's really that useful to require that everyone update their CMake version to 2.6 just for this. We can work around it through tweaks to the CMakeLists.txt instead. Though we have to draw a line when the number of "tweaks"/workarounds gets too large, and then requiring a more recent version of CMake is possible. But it's Robert's call.

I will also see if a conditional based on cmake version will work for me.

See the top of the file, this is what I submitted to work around the "problem" on Linux and Windows:

    # Works around warnings about escaped quotes in ADD_DEFINITIONS
    # statements.
    cmake_policy(SET CMP0005 OLD)

I also suggested that checking CMake version and using a different ADD_DEFINITIONS line without the escaped quotes would work too, but might be harder to maintain if there are more than this ADD_DEFINITIONS line that use escaped quotes... Looks like on Mac, we might not have a choice.

When I submitted this "fix", I mentioned the possibilities - check the archives. Robert opted for this workaround to minimize the short-term impact, I guess. Longer term, I don't know.

Anyways, if we end up using a conditional on the CMake version, we could remove the cmake_policy line.

Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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