Hello Ariasgore,

This is not a linking error that must be fixed in the project, am i right? This is a missing dll as i suppose...

You didn't say if you compiled the 3rdParty dependencies yourself or not. If you didn't do that, then stop trying other things and do that. It will eliminate the most likely reason that the plugins don't load. Re-read my previous message.

The problem is that when dynamically loading a plugin, the error message is the same if the plugin is *not found* and if the plugin *could not be loaded*. I suspect that in your case, the latter is what's happening. And this could be caused by (among other things) the fact that the plugins' dependencies (libjpegD.lib in your case) were compiled with a different compiler than the plugins themselves.

Good luck,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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