Hi Ümit,

I have high resolution data and want to create high fidelity virtual terrain with them in OpenFlight format.
I know VPB and VTP tool in uncommercial usage but I think they are not support real time edit GUI as I needed.

You mention OpenFlight format, is this because you have Creator or some other modeling tool that reads OpenFlight? If so, you can always generate your terrain in VPB, use osgconv to convert it to OpenFlight (now that OSG has the ability to write OpenFlight thanks to Paul Martz's work), and open this in any tool that reads OpenFlight.

The same is true of any format (i.e. you can osgconv to 3ds and then open it in 3dsMax for example) but note that you will most likely lose some features of the database that VPB generates... For example, I wonder if OpenFlight supports PagedLOD or just LOD. You might have to generate your database with the --LOD switch in VPB so that the terrain tiles will make it through the conversion to OpenFlight, not sure. You will need to experiment a bit.

If you need a totally free/open source toolchain, a good choice would probably be VPB for terrain generation and Blender for modeling. You can generate your terrain to 3ds or COLLADA format, load that into Blender, then add whatever you want to it. However, as I said, this will make you lose some of the features that make VPB-generated terrain so good for real time use, such as PagedLOD nodes. So what I would do is:

1. Generate both a PagedLOD .osg/.ive database and a straight COLLADA database of the same terrain.
2. Load the COLLADA database into Blender and add whatever you need to it.
3. Before saving, delete the terrain and just save whatever you added to it.
4. Then, in your OSG-based app, load the PagedLOD database and the model you saved from Blender with the buildings/roads/etc. This will likely give you very good performance even on very large and detailed terrain.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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