Hi Martin,

I can't really guess as to whether there is bug in your code, or the
OSG as there is to little provided code context to know what is going
in in your app.   Try modifying an example like osgcompositeviewer to
do what you are after and see if that works, if it doesn't then send
this in to osg-users so that others can recreate the problem.


On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 9:55 AM, Martin Großer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a little problem with the stereo modus. I want to use the anaglyphic
> stereo mode and it doesn't work, when I define a camera. A little Example:
> osg::DisplaySettings::instance()->setStereo(true);
> osg::DisplaySettings::instance()->setStereoMode(osg::DisplaySettings::ANAGLY
> PHIC);
> That works fine, when I define a viewer and a Scene.
> Now, the anaglyphic doesn't work when I define a camera.
> osg::ref_ptr<osg::Camera> camera3 = new osg::Camera();
> I try to define a new DisplaySettings object.
> osg::DisplaySettings* ds = new osg::DisplaySettings;
> ds->setStereo(true);
> ds->setStereoMode(osg::DisplaySettings::ANAGLYPHIC);
> camera3->setDisplaySettings(ds);
> But this test failed.
> What is my mistake?
> Cheers, Martin
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