Hi Adrian,

I bet you based your current PSSM on osgShadow::ShadowMap code. 
osgShadow::StandardShadowMap is functional equivalent of osgShadow::ShadowMap. 
Its associated  osgShadow::StandardShadowMap::ViewData object cull method 
performs similar steps to osgShadow::ShadowMap::cull. The difference is that I 
have dividied steps in the cull method into separate virtual functions. 

Please have a look at these steps in StandardShadowMap::ViewData::cull() 
method. They correspond to osgShadow cull functionality so you may learn which 
functions you will need to override. Additionally MinimalShadowMap::ViewData 
introduces frameShadowCastingCamera method which is used by all 
MinimalXXXShadowMap & LispSM classes to fine tune ShadowMap projection matrix. 
This tunning means that projection matrix is optimized to contain shadow volume 
with minimal overhead. Actual LispSM matrix application is done during 

LIspSM is made using decorator design pattern. Actual class implementation is 
derived from ProjectedShadowMap template class based on one of 
MinimalXXXShadowMap classes and LispSM algorithm class which is used for light 
space perspective projection. 

If I was to create hybrid PSSM/LispSM I would also derive from 
ProjectedShadowMap but would create special LispSM/PSSM algorithm. But 
additionally one would need to override StandardShadowMap::ViewData methods to 
fork cull traversal into a number of render stages and generate texgens needed 
for each PSSM shadow map.

As I write this explanation I realize that whole topic might be actually very 
complex. I wish the code was bit simpler but I wanted to create a grid of 
solutions that could cooperate or be used alternatively so the framework has a 
lot of internal crossdependencies which could make it into difficult labirynth. 
I tried to make it clean and elegant but I am afraid I had to sacrifice 
simplicity for multithreaded/multimonitor use in the same time providing number 
of methods of shadow volume optimizations. I hope you will manage to pass 
through this maze somehow ;-). 


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Adrian Egli OpenSceneGraph (3D) 
  To: OpenSceneGraph Users 
  Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008 1:51 PM
  Subject: Re: [osg-users] Lispsm / PSSM merge ?

  Hi Wojtek, 

  the idea of PSSM is to split the view frustum into n-parts. then for each of 
such sub volume (frustum) we have to render one shadow map and apply the shadow 
for such a volume. or in other words, we like to get one texture (shadow map) 
for one sub-frustum starting at near (plane : split i) and end at far (plane : 
split i + 1). in this sub frustum the shadow map [i,i+1] is active, and this 
map is used to render the shadow. so if we can define in the Lispsm a range 
[i,i+1] /// [near,far] then we have one split for the pssm. next we need many 
such splits, and finally we get the pssm working (many for n splits from 
near_frustum = near_0, far_frustum = far_n 
  [near_0, far_0][near_1=far_0,far_1] [far_1,...] [far_n-1,far_n = far_frustum] 

  would this be easy to do? multiple shadow technic nodes in one scene to get 
such maps. 


  2008/10/6 Wojciech Lewandowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


    I am afraid I don't understand what you want to do. Could you provide bit 
more explicit explanation ? At higher level of abstraction using LispSM with 
PSSM should be possible but I am not that familiar with PSSM implementations to 
judge whether it is easy or difficult task to merge two approaches.

    If you closely look at LightPerspectiveShadowMap class you will find that 
it basicaly overrides one method of ProjectionShadowMap template class. Rest of 
heavy work is done by underlying MinimalXXXShadowMaps. These classes attempt to 
compute minimal shadowed volume (as ConvexPolyhedron - polytope like object). 
This volume could be used by modified PSSM instead of view frustum. This 
computed volume is passed as one of the input arguments to the method that 
LispSM overrrides.


      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Adrian Egli OpenSceneGraph (3D) 
      To: OpenSceneGraph Users 
      Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008 11:40 AM
      Subject: [osg-users] Lispsm / PSSM merge ?

      Hi all 

      The osgShadow lib becomes a really nice shadow toolkit, thanks all to 
work out on different shadow technics. As we all understand is that the PSSM 
would be one of the most 
      robust shadowing technic for large terrain, now we should be able to 
merge the lispsm with the pssm idea: 

      would it be possible to add one feature to lispsm: 

      start shadow at near plane and stop shadow at far plane, then we will 
need a combiner of the lispsm shadow, then we gets pssm idea back. would this 
be possible to do, or do we need to rewrite the whole pssm stuff? 

      would it be possible to add some filter into the GLSL shader code for 
shadows: pcf ... ?


      Adrian Egli


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