Thank you Paul. I appreciate your response. What confuses me is that TrackballManipulator seems to be defaulting to Y up and not z. I believe the setHomePosition is very similar to the setViewMatrixLookAt and I do not believe that either function call will properly set the Z orientation for the scene. But I could be totally wrong. I've not tried this yet.

However, I am trying to find the setCoordinateFrameCallback() function and determine how to use it w/o having to subclass TrackballManipulator if I can help it.

Thanks for the tips. I'll also see if I can find a "getCoordinateFrame()" function to tell me what the up vector really is in my scene.

Message: 9 Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2008 11:39:08 -0700 From: "Paul Martz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: [osg-users] Question: Does the osgGA::TrackballManipulator re-orient the xyz axes to be y Up, and z positive into the screen? To: "'OpenSceneGraph Users'" <> Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" See the setCoordinateFrameCallback() and possible the setHomePosition() methods. The TrackballManipulator defaults to z up, but you can set it to be whatever you wish. -Paul
> > Hi. Does anyone know if the osgGA::TrackballManipulator > re-orient the xyz axes to be y Up, and z positive into the > screen? Through the use of some sort of hidden projection? > I can't find any documentation on this at all but when I get > the manipulator's view matrix, pull out the translation > vector and add to the Z value and finally put the rotation > matrix & the updated translation vector back together, my > scene moves up or down and NOT into or away from the scene. > When I alter the Y value, I move into or away from the scene. > X works as expected. > > This is very confusing for a newbie. Thx!!!

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