
I suggest you to see the osgshaders example (how osg deals with glsl)
and then consult chapter 11 of the orange book (OpenGL shading
language). You can find the shaders used in the book at

Hope it helps.

-- A.

On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 10:39 AM, Morné Pistorius
> Hi all,
> I added bump mapping to a model using osgFX::BumpMapping, but I need
> something more flexible.  My model has two sided lighting and osgFX doesn't
> support that.  Do we have GLSL shaders for bumpmapping in OSG?  I think that
> would be easier to modify to suit my needs than the assembler coded shaders
> used in osgFX.  If anyone has an example of applying normal mapping with
> shaders in OSG, I would greatly appreciate it.
> Thank you kindly,
> Morne
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