p37, Memeory Management Examples.

Misspelled "Memory" in the errata.

p37, Memory Management Examples.

There are multiple solutions to the dilemma of how to return a Referenced object
address. The method employed in this book's example code is to return
a ref_ptr<>
storing the address, as the code below illustrates.
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> createGroup()
      osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> grp = new osg::Group;
      // Return the new Group's address. This stores the Group
      // address in a ref_ptr<> and places the ref_ptr<> on the
      // call stack as the return value.
      return grp.get();

Why is it
     return grp.get();
rather than
     return grp;
Isn't grp.get() a pointer to an osg::Group?
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