Yes, like progressive mesh. Which example would that be then? Basically something with a tree stucture of ever finer polygons, that decides at runtime when to stop traversing the tree (usually when a polygon projects to a single pixel)

Sukender wrote:
Le Fri, 05 Dec 2008 00:26:43 +0100, Ferdi Smit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit:

Quick question: is there an (out-of-the-box) osg program/nodekit that
does dynamic level-of-detail? I just want to run some comparisons on
image quality, so all it has to do is dynamically decimate a very large
single-object model (possibly with a preprocessed tree structure, of
course), as opposed to do doing it statically beforehand and then
choosing one. I know osg can do that based on distance etc, but that's
not what I'm after.

Hi Ferdi,

Do you mean you're after something like progressive mesh ?
See examples :)

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Ferdi Smit
INS3 Visualization and 3D Interfaces
CWI Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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