Hi Art,
Nice for thu URLs. Thank you.
And about registering on the forum, I didn't know it was a technical problem. 
Maybe there could be a kind of "export script" that dumps the email addresses 
of the mailing list in a file? Well I don't know much about mailman...

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Le Fri, 02 Jan 2009 12:13:44 +0100, Art Tevs <stud_in...@yahoo.de> a écrit:

> Hi,
> Sukender wrote:
>> Hum... well... how to say...? A little bit, yes! ;)
> :) , ok maybe you are right. I'll change it. The email adress would still be 
> not visible to the guests/anonymous users, however the urls should became 
> visible. If we encounter problems with it, I will change it back, I think.
> Sukender wrote:
>> Another question: why do people have the ability to post to the forum 
>> without being registered to the mailing list?
> To allow to register to the forum only those users who are registered on the 
> list, I have to know which email adresses are registered on the list and 
> which not. However this information is not public available and I do not have 
> any admin-access to the list. Hence this wouldn't be possible in the near 
> future. Maybe if this forum would get official and we would find some time to 
> write a script which checks if a user is registered on the list or not, this 
> feature may became real.
> Sukender wrote:
>> I mean if people start registering the forum but not the mailing list, then 
>> answers and/or questions may not be visible in the mailing list (please 
>> correct me if I'm wrong). So the mailing list could potentially have less 
>> posts, and thus become less important than the forum. Doesn't it look 
>> dangerous?
> Correct. Therefor everybody is asked to register with the same email adress 
> as on the list! If a user register on the forum with a different email adress 
> and post something, then the mail wouldn't be forwarded to the list and hence 
> wouldn't be visible to the big part of the community.
> Cheers
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://osgforum.tevs.eu/viewtopic.php?p=4033#4033
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