Hi Cory,

Can anybody recommend a Windows-based memory tracking tool?

I have not found any tool on Windows that gave me useful results. Perhaps that was through lack of Google-skills or whatever, but I ended up changing osg::Referenced to keep track of where objects were allocated/destroyed. For a start, you can enable


in src/osg/Referenced.cpp and then recompile OSG and relink with your app. This will tell you, on the command line, each time an osg::Referenced object (or subclass) is allocated and destroyed, as well as a count of the number of objects that are currently allocated. You will most likely see that the count goes down to 0 at the end of your program, meaning there are no memory leaks.

Those static objects you saw are not leaks, of course, and in my testing I got anywhere between 40 and 300 of them in various places. You can test by, for example, changing the osgviewer application so that the whole main() function is enclosed in a block ( { } ) and then put a breakpoint before and after that block. You will probably get a few objects allocated before anything OSG is called in the main(), and about 47 OSG objects still live after the block. But all those are deleted once you exit the app.

If you find you do have memory leaks (the memory usage of your app grows at run time even though you shouldn't be allocating anything), then check the osg-submissions archives for a modified osg::Referenced header/implementation which I posted about 2 weeks ago. You can use this to create an AllocationObserver which will be called at each ref(), unref() and unref_nodelete() so that you can know where the call was made. These leaks generally come from some object keeping a ref to an object when it shouldn't, like a list/vector/map not being cleared or whatever, so you can print out the call stack at those points, and inspect all the results to see where the object's last ref is coming from, for example.

But in general, as Robert said, VS's memory leak check is crap. There are apparently ways to fix it somewhat, but even then I wouldn't trust it.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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