Robert Osfield wrote:
Hi Peter, Benoit et,

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 8:15 PM, Peter Amstutz < <>> wrote:

    The way I handled this in my application was to create multiple
    instances of osgViewer::Viewer with a separate camera for each
    view but all bound to the same output window.  On each render
    iteration, draw just the active camera.

I'm afraid I really wouldn't recommend this solution, having multiple viewers just to alternate between views is complicated implementation and conceptual wise and you'd be very lucky for it to work in anything other that very limited usage models. Using multiple viewers will cause problems with threading, timing codes, it'd be a right old mess.
Well, I force it to use single threading since my render thread already runs independently of the main logic thread. This avoids most of the problems you mention, but in general I wouldn't recommend this solution either. I just thought I'd throw it out there because it has worked for me so far. I think I am doing it this way because I originally wrote my code for OSG 1.2, which didn't have any of the nice osgViewer infrastructure.
    The best solution depends on exactly what you need to display; I
    decided to switch between completely independent scenes because my
    2D and 3D views looks actually render somewhat different geometry
    (the 2D ortho view is an abstracted version of the "real" 3D
    geometry).  Having entirely separate scenes is also pretty
    straightforward although it imposes some overhead due to
    duplication of resources that could otherwise be shared between
    among views.

In your case you are talking about multiple Views, and this is fine, but you don't use multiple Viewers for it, you'd use a single CompositeViewer with multiple Views. You can add and remove Views, or just toggle Camera's on/off using NodeMask's.
I'll take a look at this. The (doxygen) documentation is a bit thin here, so I wasn't sure what exactly CompositeViewer was for -- I assumed it was for rendering multiple subwindows of a single main window.

I'm still fuzzy on the relationship between Graphics Context, View, Viewer, Camera, Scene -- there's at least a couple layers of abstraction there. Especially when I see inheritance graphs like this ( :-)

- Peter

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