labrosse wrote:

I work with OSG 2.6.1, GDAL 1.5.3 and VirtualPlanetBuilder r924 (compatible with OSG 2.6.1) on a virtual machine (fedora 10) to use osgdem.
Do you mean virtual machine as in image running with VMWare?


All compile correctly, but when I want to use osgdem with this command for 
example :

        osgdem -d ps_height_1k.tif -t ps_texture_1k.tif -o out.ive

I get this error, and I don't know what to do. I tried with the last version of 
OSG and VPB and I obtain the same error.

Here is my error :

-d ps_height_1k.tif
-t ps_texture_1k.tif
-o out.ive
Adding terrainTile
DataSet::_run() 0 0
DataSet::assignDestinationCoordinateSystem() : assigning first source file as 
the destination coordinate system
started DataSet::createDestination(30)
DataSet::assignDestinationCoordinateSystem() : assigning first source file as 
the destination coordinate system
AR=1.000000 C1=1 R1=1
Time for _destinationGraph->computeMaximumSourceResolution() = 0.013825
Time for createDestinationGraph 0.080615
Time for after_computeNeighbours 0.029995
Time for consolodateRequiredResolutions 0.000003
Time for after_reproject 0.000576
Time for after_sort 0.000568
completed DataSet::createDestination(30)
There are 2 contributing source files:
Error: Unable to open display ":0.0".
Error: Unable to open display ":0.0".
Error: Unable to create graphis context, problem with running osgViewer-2.6.1, 
cannot run compression.

Precisions :  - I connect to my Virtual machine with a console (ssh -X 
                      - I think what the third error is blocking.

Sorry about my English.

Best Regards.

Fabien Labrosse

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