It depends if you want them put there at INSTALL time or at BUILD time.

CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX set the installation path

If you want the dll and ex in bin at BUILD time, as I' ve already suggested, set RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY in bin AND put ---->../<---- in front of your name or prefix property as I' ve already suggested. the ---->../<---- hack is also used in osg CMake files, look at OsgMacroUtils.cmake, in particular line 263 of macro SETUP_EXE

This is the way the target are currently put into bin subfolder of the build dir.


Abhinav Dubey ha scritto:
Skylark wrote:
Hello Abhinav,

but i want to directly get these files in bin instead of copying them. can yoyu 
uggest the code for it!!

You don't need to change anything in CMake to get binaries in bin, just set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX = (your OSG directory) and build the INSTALL project in the VS solution. That will put the binaries and DLLs in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX\bin, libs in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX\lib, and examples in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX\share\OpenSceneGraph\bin

We might have make some modifications to get the pdb files to follow though, currently they don't (they stay in the build subdirectories).

Jean-Sebastien Guay
osg-users mailing list

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ok..will try this out..i tried the other way i.s setting the 
RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY but what its doing is that it creates a debug folder 
containing the executable files in the bin bolder. I want the files directly to 
come under the bin folder..hope yor solution works. will let you know tomorrow 
when i try it out at my office. Thx a lot.. :)

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