Thanks Robert.

For anyone on this list using Delta 3D: I actually ran into this because Delta 3D 2.2 dtCore::Isector wrapper still uses osg::IntersectVisitor instead of osgUtil::InteresctionVisitor. I've informed the Delta 3D team that this is obsolete and should be updated.


Robert Osfield wrote:
HI Peter,

On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 6:14 PM, Peter Amstutz
<> wrote:
Would I be correct in thinking that "osgUtil::IntersectVisitor" is the old
and deprecated way of doing intersection tests, and
"osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor" is the new way to do it?  Is there a reason
(besides backwards compatibility) for "IntersectVisitor" to even still

OsgUtil::IntersectVisitor only exists for backwards compatibility.
Reviewing the headers right now reveals that the deprecated status
wasn't mention so I've just added this and checked it into svn/trunk
and OSG-2.8 branch

 Also, what's the difference between osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor and

osgSim::LineOfSight is a higher level classes that manages line of
sight calculations and handling of paged databases automatically.
IntersectionVisitor is used within the LineOfSight class.

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