Hi All,

After a long delay - health, submissions backlog and other work all
got in the way of a quick turn around on this rc4, I've finally got
tagging OpenScenGraph-2.8.1-rc4.   You can download it from:


Please test.  If things go smoothly with testing today and over the
weekend I'll go for the final 2.8.1 release early next week.  Please
post your successes/failures to this thread.

Thanks in advance with you help on testing on as many machines and OS
combinations that you can lay your hands on.

-- Change Log since 2.8.0

2009-05-14 17:26  robert

        * NEWS.txt, README.txt: Updated dates

2009-05-14 17:25  robert

        * AUTHORS.txt, ChangeLog: Updated ChangeLog and AUTHOR file

2009-05-14 17:18  robert

        * applications/osgversion/CMakeLists.txt,
          applications/osgversion/osgversion.cpp: Moved the Contributors
          generation code out into a separate source file that is only
          compiled when OSG_MAINTAINER is enable via ccamke. This has been
          done to prevent build issues on some machines with compilers that
          chose a different local to the one that the contributors names
          are encoded.

2009-05-13 08:35  robert

        * src/OpenThreads/win32, src/OpenThreads/win32/Win32Thread.cpp:
          From Thibault Genessay, "On Windows, when a process tries to
          spawn one too many thread,
          _beginthreadex() fails but OpenThreads still waits on the startup
          Block before returning to the caller of
          This causes a deadlock. The return value of _beginthreadex() is
          actually checked, but after the call to
          OpenThreads::Block::block() so
          it is basically useless.
          Attached is a fix to move the check for the return value of
          _beginthreadex() before the call to block(), so that start() can
          return to the caller with a non-zero error code. This solves the
          problem for me."
          Merged from svn trunk using:
          svn merge -r 10190:10191

2009-05-12 11:15  robert

        * ChangeLog, NEWS.txt, README.txt: Updated ChangeLog and
          NEWS/READER for release candidate

2009-05-12 11:12  robert

        * src/osgWrappers/osgUtil/IntersectVisitor.cpp: Updated wrappers

2009-05-12 10:49  robert

        * src/osgWidget, src/osgWidget/WindowManager.cpp: From Fajran Iman
          Rusadi, fixed to handling of widget indices in insert and remove
          methods. Merged from svn/trunk using:
          svn merge -r 10181:10182

2009-05-08 12:38  robert

        * src/osgViewer/GraphicsWindowWin32.cpp: Added initializer for

2009-05-08 07:49  robert

        * src/osgViewer/GraphicsWindowWin32.cpp: From Neil Groves, fixed
          unitialized variable

2009-05-07 15:59  robert

        * CMakeLists.txt: Updated release candidate to 4.

2009-05-07 15:14  robert

        * src/osgViewer/GraphicsWindowWin32.cpp: From Frederic Bouvier,
          workaround of setCursor problems under Windows.

2009-05-07 14:58  robert

        * src/osg/GraphicsContext.cpp: Fixed ABSOLUTE_RF slave camera
          resize policy, merged from svn trunk using:

2009-05-07 13:24  robert

        * src/osgDB, src/osgDB/CMakeLists.txt, src/osgDB/DatabasePager.cpp,
          src/osgDB/Registry.cpp: From Stephan Huber, "while debugging a
          problem in finding plugins on OS X I discovered, that
          the conditional directives for setting the prepend-string in
          createLibraryNameForExtension were not in effect, because of the
          of different #ifdef styles.
          I removed the conditional part for __APPLE__ completely to be
          standard-conform with other platforms (plugins should be located
          osgPlugins-X.X.X/). Because of the wrong syntax of the
          compile the old code was not used anyway -- so no functional
          Merged from svn/trunk using:
          svn merge -r 10149:10150

2009-05-07 13:18  robert

        * src/osgViewer, src/osgViewer/GraphicsWindowWin32.cpp: From Chris
          Denham, fix for swapBuffers warning when window is minimized
          under Windows.
          svn merge -r 10146:10147

2009-05-07 09:47  robert

        * src/osgPlugins/pdf, src/osgPlugins/pdf/CMakeLists.txt: Fixed name
          of POPPLER_LIBRARY_DIRS, merged from svn trunk using svn merge -r

2009-05-05 12:56  robert

        * src/osgPlugins/osgVolume,
          src/osgPlugins/osgVolume/RayTracedTechnique.cpp: Merged from
          svn/trunk support for searching for imagery in path relative to
          the .osg file being loaded. Merged using:
          svn merge -r 10100:10137

2009-05-05 12:54  robert

        * src/osgVolume, src/osgVolume/FixedFunctionTechnique.cpp,
          src/osgVolume/VolumeTile.cpp: Merged improvements to osgVolume
          from svn/trunk using :
          svn merge -r 10100:10137

2009-04-24 17:52  robert

        * include/osgUtil/IntersectVisitor: Changed doxygen docs to
          indicate deprecated status with suggestion of IntersectionVisitor

2009-04-24 10:56  robert

        * src/osgPlugins/mdl, src/osgPlugins/mdl/VTXReader.cpp: From Jason
          Daly, "Currently, the .mdl plugin loads vertices in the native
          DirectX order, which is the reverse of OpenGL order. This means
          that the back faces are currently rendered as front faces, and
          vice versa.
          This fix reverses the vertex order and sets up proper OpenGL
          facing. I didn't notice this problem until I started using the
          plug-in in my own code (osgviewer seems to not enable backface
          merged from svn/trunk using:
          svn merge -r 10092:10093

2009-04-23 15:11  robert

        * NEWS.txt: Fixed typo

2009-04-23 13:46  robert

        * AUTHORS.txt, ChangeLog, NEWS.txt, README.txt: Update ChnageLog,
          dates and authors for 2.8.1-rc3

2009-04-23 13:27  robert

        * CMakeLists.txt: Updated release candidate number

2009-04-23 11:08  robert

        * src/osgPlugins/OpenFlight,
          src/osgPlugins/OpenFlight/GeometryRecords.cpp: Fix to handling of
          subsurface layers so that more appropriate PolygonOffset values
          are chosen. Merged from svn/trunk using:
          svn merge -r 10083:10084

2009-04-23 11:07  robert

        * src/osg/PolygonOffset.cpp: Merged from svn trunk using:
          svn merge -r 10082:10083

2009-04-22 13:54  robert

        * applications/osgversion/osgversion.cpp: Fixed typo.

2009-04-22 13:09  robert

        * src/osgPlugins/dae/daeWriter.h: From Bob Kuehne, "fix for failing
          collada builds on osx due to not being able to stringstreamify
          osg::Vec3 without io_utils included."

2009-04-22 10:56  robert

        * examples, examples/osgcluster/broadcaster.cpp,
          examples/osgscreencapture/osgscreencapture.cpp: From Paul Martz,
          "Looks like the people who created these two examples were a bit
          careless with cut and paste."
          Merged from svn/trunk using:
          svn merge -r 10063:10064

2009-04-22 10:49  robert

        * src/osg/Image.cpp: From Eric Sokolowsky, "src/osg/Image.cpp is
          missing the GL_RGBA8 image type when calculating the number of
          components in an image. It is added here."
          Merged from svn trunk using:
          svn merge -r 10061:10062

2009-04-21 10:20  robert

        * src/osgDB/DatabasePager.cpp: Fix for handling case of no graphics
          contexts being registered.
          Merged from svn/trunk using:
          svn merge -r 10053:10054

2009-04-12 18:58  robert

        * CMakeLists.txt, NEWS.txt, README.txt: Updated dates for 2.8.1-rc2

2009-04-12 18:53  robert

        * CMakeLists.txt, ChangeLog,
          applications/osgversion/osgversion.cpp: Updated CMakeLists.txt
          ChangeLog generator so that it tracks the current branch or
          svn/trunk to prevent branches generating logs for svn/trunk.
          Updated osgversion's authors mapping.
          Updated ChangeLog.

2009-04-12 10:29  robert

        * src/osg/GraphicsThread.cpp: Added release from svn/trunk to
          enable osgCompute.

2009-04-10 21:25  robert

        * NEWS.txt: Updated NEWS for 2.8.1-rc1

2009-04-10 14:35  robert

        * README.txt: UPdated date

2009-04-10 12:56  robert

        * AUTHORS.txt, ChangeLog: Update ChangeLog and AUTHORS.txt file for

2009-04-10 12:54  robert

        * applications/osgversion/osgversion.cpp: Merged changes from

2009-04-10 10:58  robert

        * CMakeLists.txt, include/osg/Version: Updater version numbers to

2009-04-10 09:43  robert

        * LICENSE.txt: From J.P. Delport, spelling and grammer fixes

2009-04-09 15:56  robert

        * CMakeModules/OsgCPack.cmake: From Mattias Helsing, "
          * Use the CPack ZIP generator on windows (WIN32)
          * Reformatted according to Philip Lowman's recent submissions"

2009-04-08 10:50  robert

        * src/osgUtil/Optimizer.cpp: From Glen Waldron, "Attached is a
          patch for osgUtil::Optimizer. If you run the
          SpatializeGroupsVisitor on a scene graph containing Geodes,
          StateSets attached to Geodes can be lost.
          The problem is in SpatializeGroupsVisitor::divide(osg::Geode*,
          unsigned int) where the code creates a new Group and divides up
          the input Geode into one Geode per Drawable.
          I fixed the problem by assigning the Geode's stateset to the new
          parent group.
          To replicate the bug, see attached osg/dds files:
          osgviewer b.osg -- model renders correctly
          osgviewer b.osg -- textures are missing."
          Merged from svn/trunk using:
          svn merge -r 9986:9987

2009-04-06 12:29  robert

        * src/osgTerrain/GeometryTechnique.cpp: Added disabling of
          mipmapping for non power of two textures

2009-04-06 11:27  robert

        * src/osgTerrain/GeometryTechnique.cpp: Merged from svn/trunk
          disabling of use of display lists and a extra check against NULL
          to prevent a crash when NULL colour layers are assigned

2009-04-03 11:29  robert

        * src/osg/Drawable.cpp: Merged fix in svn/trunk that avoids the
          building of display lists when VBO's are compiled.

2009-03-26 10:25  robert

        * src/osg/Texture.cpp: Merged fixes to the texture compression
          settings from svn/trunk that don't change the
          requested compression type when the pixel type is not a direct

2009-03-23 16:26  robert

        * src/osgPlugins/dae/daeRGeometry.cpp,
          src/osgPlugins/dae/daeReader.h: From Michael Platings, fixed
          memory leak

2009-03-12 17:57  robert

        * src/osgDB/CMakeLists.txt: From Frank Midgley, "I tried running
          osgconv --formats yesterday on OS X and got no results. Turns out
          the changes discussed in the "osgDB::listAllAvailablePlugins
          win32 fix" thread back in Sep '08 broke this. The
          OSG_PLUGIN_EXTENSION macro is being defined in
          src/osgDB/CMakeLists.txt from CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_SUFFIX which
          is "dylib" on OS X. The problem is that all of the plug-ins are
          setup in OsgMacroUtils.cmake with:
          which gives them .so extensions. Since ".so" != ".dylib"
          osgDB::listAllAvailablePlugins finds no plug-ins. I believe the
          correct solution is to use CMAKE_SHARED_MODULE_SUFFIX instead.
          This builds and runs correctly on OS X but I have not tested on
          other platforms.
          Attached is an updated src/osgDB/CMakeLists.txt based on rev
          9915. The change is at line 108. To validate: build and then run
          bin/osgconv --formats. You should get many screenfuls of plug-in
          features, extensions and options."
          Merged from svn/trunk using:
          svn merge -r 9921:9922

2009-03-12 17:51  robert

        * src/osgUtil/Optimizer.cpp: From Konstantin Sinitsyn, "At this
          moment, I just introducing to OSG. When I reviewing optimizer
          code, I find a mistake in
          Optimizer::RemoveLoadedProxyNodesVisitor, as it seems. This
          optimizer removes proxy nodes that fully loaded and in some cases
          attach their childs to parrents directly (without creating of
          group). I dont understand how this works, because if proxy node
          doesn't have any attributes such as name, description, node mask
          and any callbacks, then new group does not created to hold proxy
          node childs. And code below trying to attach their children to
          all parents but seems like only first child beeing attached to
          all parents correctly."
          Merged from svn/trunk using:
          svn merge -r 9919:9920

2009-03-11 13:31  robert

        * src/osgPlugins/3ds/ReaderWriter3DS.cpp: From Neil Hughes, changed
          the handling of opacity maps so that when they are used blending
          in enabled. Merged from svn/trunk using:
          svn merge -r 9905:9906

2009-03-11 12:42  robert

        * src/osgUtil/Optimizer.cpp: From Lionel Lagarde, "the attachment
          contains a correction of the Optimizer::MergeGeometryVisitor.
          When 2 geometries are merged, the primitive sets of the second
          are copied to the first geometry.
          The primitive sets were copied with a std::insert into the first
          primitive set vector. It doesn't work when the geometry is using
          VBOs (because
          the element buffer object of the primitive set is not updated).
          The correction replaces
          rhs.getPrimitiveSetList().end() );
          for( primItr=rhs.getPrimitiveSetList().begin();
          ++primItr )

2009-03-11 12:02  robert

        * src/osg/Geometry.cpp: Fix to crash due to indices being present
          witout any associated arrays. Merged from svn/trunk using:
          svn merge -r 9899:9900

2009-03-11 11:03  robert

        * src/osg/Drawable.cpp, src/osg/ImageUtils.cpp, src/osg/Node.cpp:
          From Lionel Lagarde, "The copy constructor of the nodes and the
          drawables do :
          Node::Node(Node &node, copyop) :
          It doesn't call the setStateSet method of osg::Node (or
          osg::Drawable). So the parent
          list of the state set is not updated with the new node
          Merged from svn/trunk using:
          svn merge -r 9896:9897
          svn merge -r 9896:9897

2009-03-10 11:56  robert

        * include/osg/GLU, include/osg/Math: From Martin Spott, fixes for
          IBM AIX build. Merged from svn/trunk using:
          svn merge -r 9881:9882

2009-03-02 10:51  robert

        * src/OpenThreads/win32, src/OpenThreads/win32/Win32Thread.cpp,
          src/OpenThreads/win32/Win32ThreadPrivateData.h: From Mathias
          Froehlich, "An other one:
          The TLS Varialbe is accessed before it is initialized.
          Attached is a change to rev 9791."
          Merged from svn/trunk using:
          svn merge -r 9831:9832

2009-03-02 09:59  robert

        * examples/osgcluster/broadcaster.cpp: From Petr Salinger, build
          fix for GNU/kFreeBSD.
          Merged from svn/trunk using:
          svn merge -r 9827:9828

2009-02-27 11:14  robert

        * src/osgViewer/GraphicsWindowWin32.cpp: From Roland Smeenk,
          "Attached is a small bug fix for the redundant messages that are
          created in OSG applications on windows.
          GraphicsWindowWin32::setCursor is called every frame from the
          WM_NCHITTEST message. This will result in a call to
          ::SetCursor(_currentCursor) every frame, which again causes a
          WM_MOUSEMOVE to occur. The fix exits
          GraphicsWindowWin32::setCursor if the requested cursor already is
          the current cursor.
          Merged from svn/trunk using:
          svn merge -r 9823:9824

2009-02-27 10:50  robert

        * src/osgUtil/RenderStage.cpp: From Atr Tevs, fixes to FBO
          blitting. Merged from svn/trunk using:
          svn merge -r 9821:9822

2009-02-26 22:10  robert

        * CMakeModules/Find3rdPartyDependencies.cmake: From Mattias
          Helsing, "
          In file

2009-02-20 17:28  robert

        * applications/osgarchive/osgarchive.cpp: From Mathieu Marache, "I
          was trying to use the archive output of osgdem without success
          I eventually found out that it was now disabled (the mailing list
          archive tells me it is because of multithreaded write issues with
          vpn). I then decided to use osgarchive to make it myself from the
          generated output. However if one of the insert parameters is a
          directory, it won't be able to find them. The attached versions
          corrects this"

2009-02-20 11:41  robert

        * src/osgPlugins/dxf, src/osgPlugins/dxf/dxfEntity.cpp: From Humar
          Carmona, "When reading a DXF file, the reader breaks at a debug
          assertion at vector (it breaks on release version). Inspecting
          the code show that the cause could be in dxfEntity.cpp.
          It seems that the problem is an offending "short" used in a for
          loop, where it should be "int" or "long". It causes an index out
          of range error. "
          Merged from svn trunk using:
          svn merge -r 9803:9804

2009-02-19 17:40  robert

        * src/osgPlugins/hdr/hdrloader.cpp: Fixed bug in checking of return
          values. Fix merged in from svn/trunk using:
          svn merge -r 9800:9801

2009-02-19 16:36  robert

        * src/osg/State.cpp: From Tanguy Fautre, This fixes the OSG crashes
          reported by
          It's a one line change against OSG 2.8.0 (see line 196). I've
          already tested the change, and confirmed it\u2019s fixing the
          crashes described above."
          merged from svn trunk using:
          svn merge -r 9797:9798

2009-02-19 16:00  robert

        * src/osg/PrimitiveSet.cpp: From Ruben Smelik, "I've found a
          (copy-paste?) error in PrimitiveSet.cpp regarding instanced
          drawing. For DrawElementsUInt and DrawElementsUShort the type
          argument of glDrawElementsInstanced was set as GL_BYTE instead of
          GL_UNSIGNED_INT and GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT. I've attached the fixed
          source file (based on the current SVN head version)."
          Merged from svn/trunk using:
          svn merge -r 9795:9796

2009-02-19 15:38  robert

        * src/OpenThreads/CMakeLists.txt: merged from svn/trunk using:
          svn merge -r 9793:9794

2009-02-19 13:44  robert

        * NEWS.txt: Fixed number of contributors
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