Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
>> event handler callback and move the eye a fraction of the way towards
>> the destination. Successive FRAME events would eventually get the camera
>> in the right place and it should be a smooth move. Is this a reasonable
>> way to accomplish my goal?
> Yes, that seems like a good way. You could also do it with an
> UpdateCallback (again, moving a fraction of the way each frame), or
> just set the camera's view matrix (or the camera manipulator's eye
> position) each frame by breaking your frame loop into its component
> parts (instead of using

Today I tried to do the FRAME event method and it didn't work. So now
I'm thinking that AnimationPath is actually what I should be using.
Would AnimationPath provide a way for me to move the camera from some
arbitrary position to a predefined position?

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