Hi Brent, Robert,

I've tried compiling OSG on my own Mac a while ago, using the provided XCode project. In short, it turned out that there were quite a few remnants of Stephan's personal configuration strewn about the project. I can imagine this happening, as there's quite a lot of places these specifics are set and could be overlooked. That and other things at the time made me actually give up on trying to work with OSG on my Mac in general.

However, I would advise you to just use the CMake build system to generate an XCode project for your system. I didn't do that at the time either, which caused quite a headache. In general however, the system has proven to work very well.Try out CMake in a sandboxed spot a few times to get the hang of how it works and then do the real thing. You'll probably need to figure out some platform specific places where headers are located (somewhere in some Frameworks probably).

If you keep running into problems, I could try and compile it again myself some time and let you know.

Basically, 'what Robert says'. ;)


Robert Osfield wrote:
Hi Brent,

I'm not a OSX users, but do occasionally compile up on OSX machines
(mostly remote login) and always use cmake and Makefiles so can't
comment too specifically on XCode projects as I never use these.  You
can generate XCode projects from CMake, but haven't tried this, the
Cmake generated XCode projects are the future, the old hand maintained
XCode projects are officially deprecated.  Stephan Huber currently
maintains the old XCode projects and keeps them roughly in sync.

One thing I am aware of is that XCode isn't forwards/backwards
compatible w.r.t it's own project file format, so if you aren't using
the same version that Stephan is using then there is good chance that
you'll see problems.   Perhaps Stephan will spot this thread and fill
in more details.



On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 1:44 PM, Brent
Gulanowski<bgulanow...@marketcircle.com> wrote:

This is moved from the submissions forum/list. Forgive the mispost there.

Building the source from Xcode using the Xcode project file included in the 
2.8.1 distribution download, and encountered some issues.  Not using cmake 
(which is unfamiliar to me).

Notice that the Xcode build configurations are not using what are now the 
standard names (Debug and Release), instead using the ones from a few years 
back (Development and Deployment). Maybe a cosmetic thing, but would be nice if 
they were standard.

I find Xcode really dislikes the project. I don't know if it's my system, or a 
bad index somewhere, but I have a horrendous problem with Xcode constantly 
running both CPU cores hot whenever I do anything in the OpenSceneGraph 
project. Anyone else have this problem? I'm wondering if maybe the project has 
exceeded some limit of Xcode's ability to handle either the number of files or 
the number of targets in one project.

I have a MacBook Pro Dual Core 2.2.

I've been unable to get it to build, nor can I successfully clean the project, 
because it keeps claiming there is no build product name defined for one of the 
aggregate targets (and trying to inspect the same SDLdependentStuff target 
causes an exception).

I'm fairly novice with 3D but looking for a starting point that I can use in 
Cocoa software for Mac OS X. Might even want something that could work on 
iPhone eventually. I would definitely want to replace the AGL with NSGL 
support, with which I am familiar.

As an aside, whatever is being attempted with cmake, I'd suggest abandoning 
that in favour of Xcode's own command-line build tool, xcodebuild. It 
understands Xcode project files. Or is there some reason it doesn't work with 
whatever build automation system you have? Then the single-project file 
approach can also be replaced with separate project files (perhaps three: one 
for core libraries, one for plug-ins, and one for examples).

Again, I am willing to make that work if OSG looks like it might be something I 
can adapt myself to.


Thank you!


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