On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 11:38 AM, John Kelso <ke...@nist.gov> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm a bit surprised by this because as far as I know we have a fairly
> recent
> version of Centos.  Are there no other Centos users out there trying 2.8.1?
>  cat /etc/redhat-release
> CentOS release 5.3 (Final)
> which incudes this version of cmake:
>> rpm -q cmake
> cmake-2.4.8-3.el5.i386
> Is cmake-2.4.8 "really old"?
> That said, I'll try to get our system guy to install a newer version of
> cmake.
> Thanks again,

CMake 2.4.8 isn't "really old" but many people have switched to 2.6.x
because of the new features present in it and also because 2.4.x is no
longer being maintained.

You can always run CMake out of your home directory without bothering your
systems guy.  There are prebuilt versions of it for Linux available here.

Philip Lowman
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