On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 5:17 PM, Vincent
Bourdier<vincent.bourd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Robert,
> This is not possible for me to reproduce the behavior on an example, too
> much external things are required.

There isn't much we can do then.

> But I have some idea : there is some shaders running, and they are not
> removed before the viewer have to stop ... and the
> crash is in the Program and Shader flush ... does it sounds like a reason
> for crash ?
> I'll have a look.

It sounds like the graphics thread is still running, and the crash
relating to the shaders is an symptom of this, it isn't the cause
though.  You need to look thoroughly at the whether the threads are
still running or not.  Try changing the viewer threading model to
explore this.

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