
I should probably have used .ive file. I didn't consider such possibility ver 
carefully when I started. There is an other fellow doing exactly that for 
OpenSG, except for OpenSG use XML file format which I think is really 

One reason for the intermediate binary format is that it embeds texture files 
as opposed to a reference to the files. For our team, we have all the artists 
doing their modeling job on separate computers and it's just easier for us to 
pack the whole scene into just one file and send to the programmers. And it 
seems maya support sound for animation, so the sound would be saved in the 
intermediate file format too. 

I don't know how introspection works in OSG. If I create a new class in Maya's 
exporter and pack it into .ive file. Can it be read correctly in OSG?

Thank you!


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