Hi Paul,

Has anyone successfully built the ffmpeg dependency on Windows? Once built, were you successful in getting OSG's CMake to produce a ffmpeg plugin project file?

We just used prebuilt binaries of ffmpeg (non-GPL). Perhaps you could use them too? I think you could search for ffmpeg-r15261 on Google to find the ones we used.

We've built the ffmpeg dependency (with mingw; I wonder what issues we'll encounter linking this against other VS object files),

There shouldn't be any, it's a pure C library. I think our prebuilt binaries were built with Mingw too (not least of which because the ffmpeg project seem to not want to bother to make a cross-platform build system)...

but we can't figure out what we should set the FFMPEG_STDINT_INCLUDE_DIR CMake variable to. Without this set, OSG's CMake refuses to create the ffmpeg plugin project file. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

With our version of ffmpeg I don't touch that variable, OSG sets it to the ffmpeg include directory and it's fine. I wonder though, perhaps in the version I use stdint.h is not even used so that's why it works, and it's only required in a later version...

Sorry I can't help you more.

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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