Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
We've built the ffmpeg dependency (with mingw; I wonder what issues we'll encounter linking this against other VS object files),

As you probably know, you can't build ffmpeg with MSVC, but you can link other programs with it. This page has some info about that:

There shouldn't be any, it's a pure C library. I think our prebuilt binaries were built with Mingw too (not least of which because the ffmpeg project seem to not want to bother to make a cross-platform build system)...

Yeah, it will work fine.

but we can't figure out what we should set the FFMPEG_STDINT_INCLUDE_DIR CMake variable to. Without this set, OSG's CMake refuses to create the ffmpeg plugin project file. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

If you get the prebuilt binary, as JS said, you won't need it. Since you built from source, you need a version of inttypes.h/stdint.h that is compatible with MSVC.
We've been using this one (also linked from the above wiki):

Obviously, you'd set the variable in question to point to wherever you installed it.


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