
On Wednesday 01 July 2009, Michele Olsen wrote:
> I am building an application using osg and recently I have been
> experiencing dramatic changes in frame rate across runs. One run will have
> 140 + fps while the next run will have < 15 fps.  I was wondering if anyone
> else has experienced this?

We have also experienced some performance issues with current NVidia drivers. 
In some driver/hardware/kernel combinations this does not happen at all. But 
in some combinations the driver behaves indeterministic. That sounds similar 
to what you write. What we could see is that an strace of the program shows 
many file reads to /proc/meminfo in the case where we have slow framerates. I 
believe that the driver tries to find out if it is under memory pressure in 
some sense and then triggers some costly operation.
Older drivers, older distribution kernels improove the situation.
Many pre render FBO cameras make the problem appear more often in my 

We have an open support call at nvidia but that one is stalled since about a 
Providing full open source testcases to NVidia might help them to find the 
problem. So if you have one ...



Dr. Mathias Fröhlich, science + computing ag, Software Solutions
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