Hi JP,

is it possible to let OSG render a bunch of FBO cameras without the main camera rendering and calling swapbuffers? If so, how do I disable the main camera for a few OSG frame() calls?

You can have a whole bunch of prerender RTT cameras in you scene graph, and they will all render before the main camera renders. Only the main camera will call swapbuffers, so only that one will cause a vsync. Is that what you want?

If not, you can change the main camera's graphics context to a pbuffer instead of a GraphicsWindowWin32/X11/Carbon, and then all frames will be rendered offscreen. You can then remove all children from your main scene except for your RTT cameras, and only they will render anything (the main camera will still glClear(), you can disable that too by setting the clear mask to 0 on the graphics context/camera). Then when you're ready, switch to a non-pbuffer graphics context again, put back whatever you had in your scene, and it will start rendering, thus swapbuffers, thus vsync.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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