Hi Jason,

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 11:38 PM, Jason Jerald <ja...@digitalartforms.com>wrote:

> We are currently using OSG 2.8.2.   I see the problem with "#define
> HAVE_CONFIG_H" was fixed in the svn/trunk.

It looks like the dicom plugin wasn't tested under Windows out prior to the
2.8.2 and other release, so without feedback you don't know that something
needs fixing..

Since 2.8 I've done more work on osgVolume and helped another engineer get
things compiling under Windows, so some changes were checked into
svn/trunk.  I don't have access to a Windows environment so I can't test
things out first hand.

> We may try building the svn/trunk soon for testing.  Although we will want
> to use the latest stable/official release for anything other than testing
> because our projects will be required to ensure stability.

osgVolume + the dicom plugin are more stable and mature in svn/trunk virtue
of various improvements since 2.8.x was made.  Just because svn/trunk
doesn't have a stable tag doesn't mean it's literally unstable, while
occasional regressions to creep in before they are caught this typically
doesn't dominate using svn/trunk and dev versions as it's my policy to try
and keep svn/trunk near to release quality as we can make it during the
whole development cycle.  Often svn/trunk can be more stable than the
official stable releases as it'll contain all the latest fixes.

So... try svn/trunk, if it works for you great, it it doesn't revert to
2.8.2 or backport some of the improvements to svn/trunk to your 2.8.2
sources.  Since it'll all open source it's all under your control.

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