Hi Jason,

The only changes I had to do were
1.  add wsock32.lib to the Plugins dicom project

You could add something like this to the src/osgPlugins/dicom/CMakeLists.txt:

IF (WIN32)

Then regenerate the build files and the library should be added to the project without you having to do it manually. Plus once you've tested this, if you submit the changed file to the osg-submissions list it will solve the problem for everyone else! :-)

There is still an error with curl not finding the library wldap32.lib (same as OSG 2.8.2). But this is not necessary for what we need so I am not worrying about that for now.

That should be in the Platform SDK, you might just have to do a search on your computer to find where it is and add that to your Visual Studio "Library directories" in Tools-Options-C/C++-Directories section.

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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