2009/12/4 Fred Smith <osgfo...@tevs.eu>

> Thanks for all your answers.
> Hitting a little bit of a problem in my understanding of the source code.
> If I change TriangleIntersection to use Vec3d and not Vec3:
> Code:
>        TriangleIntersection(unsigned int index, const osg::Vec3d& normal,
> double r1, const osg::Vec3d* v1, double r2, const osg::Vec3d* v2, double r3,
> const osg::Vec3d* v3):
>            _index(index),
>            _normal(normal),
>            _r1(r1),
>            _v1(v1),
>            _r2(r2),
>            _v2(v2),
>            _r3(r3),
>            _v3(v3) {}

You're changing the wrong bit. You want the next struct down

    struct TriangleIntersector
        osg::Vec3   _s; <<<<<<< change these
        osg::Vec3   _d;
        float       _length;

        int         _index;
        float       _ratio;
        bool        _hit;

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