Hi Neil,

I can't follow your email, so can't comment specifically.  I can say
that I did a refactor of osgManipulator a couple of months back that
is now available in the 2.9.6 dev release, and svn/trunk.  This
refactor makes it easier to use so I would recommend using this.

I'm not the original author of osgManipulator so prior to my refactor
the code base was a bit of uknown, but since the refactor it is a bit
more familiar, which means I have a better chance of understanding
issues/code so moving this the latest OSG would help with support as


On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 12:34 AM, Neil Clayton <n...@shinywhitebox.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm fairly new to OSG, and am wondering if my understanding of Draggers is 
> correct.
> I've a scene with a graph like so:   ClearNode -> Black box -> Group ( { Pat 
> -> Geode}, { Dragger} ). The real graph is a touch more complex, but it's 
> pretty simple. A few geometry objects only at the moment. I'm missing a 
> matrix transform for the dragger in the above - but it gives the idea.
> I'm manipulating planes of data. So while it's in perspective, everything 
> sits on the y=0 plane.
> When I click, sometimes the dragger is selected, sometimes not.
> Printing out the objects intersected within Dragger::handle, it seems like 
> it's either random or based (maybe?) on z order.  If the nodepath containing 
> the TranslatePaneDragger happens to be the first it works. Otherwise it 
> doesn't.
> Dragger seems to assume that the first intersection will always contain the 
> dragger node.  Which I'm not finding to be the case.  I modified dragger so 
> that it examines all intersections (and remembers the correct iterator, 
> passing that to ::handle() for ::DRAG and ::RELEASE events), and now it works 
> fine.
> Have I misunderstood how draggers work though?  I'm worried that I've 
> modified code because of my own lack of understanding of OSG.
> Cheers,
> Neil
> ------------------
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> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=21292#21292
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