We currently have an application that is built around the OSG Viewer using a 
glut window.  We are interesting in adding a considerable GUI interface to the 
application and we would prefer to use JAVA to implement the GUI.  So basically 
I am trying to find a way, probably using JOGL, to create the GUI and graphics 
window on the JAVA side and perform all of the drawing on the C++/OSG side.

I think I should be able to create a glContext on the JAVA size, with JOGL, and 
when making a call to C++ with JNI have access to the same context as long as 
it is done within the same thread.  Unfortunately, I have not figured out how 
to assign the JAVA created glContex, retrieved with a call to 
wglGetCurrentContext, to the OSG Viewer/Camera.  

I know that osgvp has created a JAVA/JOGL/JNI interface to OSG but it looks 
like a lot of effort went into creating the JNI interface and making calls into 
OSG.  I would really like to reduce the JNI to little more than init, display, 
keyboard, and mouse functions.

Any help is appreciated.


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