Wojciech Lewandowski wrote:
Lots of older OpenGL extensions are now included in OpenGL specification (rel. 3.2). I'd like to propose a small cleaning movement of OSG sources

Hi Wojtek --

I agree that the kind of scrubbing you've proposed would break backwards compatibility, as Gordon described. However, OSG definitely needs some clean up and fixes in the area of querying for feature support and obtaining the appropriate entry points.

I was waiting for Robert to chime in on this thread, but I think I speak on his behalf when I say he supports a clean up effort. In the thread "OpenGL capture/logging in OSG" from mid-December, Robert said: "I would, however, be happy to see a more formalized system for extension setup, as the current distributed approach has let the styles of implementation diverge as a series of different developers have got their hands dirty contributing code."

So now we just need to decide exactly what we mean by clean up. :-)

First, I don't want to limit the discussion by using the word "extension". We should consider cleaning up code that queries for the presence of OpenGL features. They might be extensions, or they might be core functionality.

In most any OpenGL literature that you read, querying for feature support at run time should be done as follows;

  If the feature is part of the run time GL version's core spec
    Use the core interface
  else if an ARB extension supports the feature
    Use the ARB interface
  else if an EXT extension supports the feature
    Use the EXT interface
    Similar checks for possibly multiple vendor extensions

OSG should do this as well, but in most cases it doesn't. Instead, OSG simply checks for the availability of entry points and uses them if present. This is a dangerous approach, as many drivers contain entry points for the purpose of testing beta features. This is one thing I'd definitely like to see cleaned up.

(In fact, this is currently a bug in OSG. If I open a v3.0 context, OSG uses the v3.2 core FBO entry points exposed by my device driver, not the ARB FBO extension interface.)

I'd also like to see a function pointer name clean up effort. Function pointers should be named generically ("glGenBuffers", not "glGenBuffersARB" or "glGenBuffersEXT"). In 90% of all features, we're just concerned with which feature it references, not which specific extension interface is being used. With an initialization system like I described in the pseudocode above, or even with OSG as it currently stands today, the function pointer could be loaded with just about any interface entry point, so it should have a name that isn't interface-specific.

Another thing to consider is the wrapper pattern currently employed in many of OSG's OpenGL function pointers. The wrapper pattern has the following form:

  void glFunctionWRAPPER( ... )
    if( _glFunction != NULL )
      _glFunction( ... );
      Log an error

Checking on the validity of the pointer every time app code calls into the wrapper seems a little heavy. I'd rather see a system that lets calling code query for the presence or absence of a feature. If the feature is absent, calling code should avoid calling into the feature's function wrappers, eliminating the need for per-wrapper checks for function pointer validity. (I believe this is a better approach for calling code too, as that code will usually want to take one path or another based on the presence or absence of certain GL features.)

(Note that I'm not opposed to wrappers in general. An OpenGL wrapper system should probably be at the core of every major OpenGL app. It simply needs to be designed for lightweight production builds.)

There's the topic of centralization. I've proposed moving all OpenGL function pointers an related initialization into a single class. Among other reasons, this would make it easier for future developers to ensure that they're implementing feature query and initialization consistent with OSG's best practice. But Robert has expressed disagreement with this approach (again, see the thread "OpenGL capture/logging in OSG"). So for now, any type of new system we implement for feature querying and initialization will need to be cut and pasted across several source files.

Finally, another thing to consider is replacing our existing feature query infrastructure with something like GLEW. GLEW is lightweight, easily extensible, and already handles much of what we need for GL feature support. But we have discussed this in the past, and if I remember correctly Robert was opposed to GLEW on the grounds of the new third party dependency it would require.

Well, I know this is a bit more extensive that the slow, piece-by-piece clean up effort that you had in mind with your original post. But I wanted to throw this out there for consideration by you and the rest of the community.

If we can all come to some consensus on how to proceed, we can start making changes and submissions. (Hopefully this doesn't fall by the wayside, as Sukender's proposal for plugin transformations did.)

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