Okay, I'm seeing some decidedly weird results from mixing osgEarth and 
osgOcean. I've attached a picture link, but here's the text description...

I've cut the code back to creating an osgEarth globe but I'm not putting any 
map data into it. (If I do, I get the same results anyway.) This means that 
without osgOcean attached to the graph, I get a gray sphere as expected, the 
first image in the picture below.

If I turn on osgOcean, the sphere turns black but with a thin ocean-colored 
band that varies in diameter, from the outer edge of the globe to about 10% 
smaller (2nd image). The variation occurs only when I move the camera, and is 
random in appearance. It does not move with the sphere as I rotate the view - 
it is always centered on the middle of the sphere.

If I zoom in and tilt the camera so as to look along the surface of the globe, 
the ocean-colored band gets bigger (while still hopping about in diameter) and 
shows some of the expected reflective properties of the osgOcean surface (3rd 
image). Up very close, it becomes bands of blue and blue-green that I can see 
increase in complexity, adding more bands (3rd image).

And now the picture:

And now some code. First, the code that creates my main scene, including 
osgEarth, and the class constructor that creates the osgOcean. And portion of 
the code that made no change to the outcome when it was commented out has been 
removed in this example. (Such as the addition of map data.)


// Init the main Root Groups
m_pRoot  = new osg::Group;
m_pSceneRoot  = new osg::Group;
m_pRoot->addChild( m_pSceneRoot );
m_pUIRoot  = new osg::Group;
m_pRoot->addChild( m_pUIRoot );

// osgEarth
osgEarth::Map* map = new osgEarth::Map( osgEarth::Map::CSTYPE_GEOCENTRIC );
osgEarth::MapEngineProperties props;
m_pMapNode = new osgEarth::MapNode( map, props );
m_pSceneRoot->addChild( m_pMapNode );

// osgOcean
osg::Matrixd placerm;
osgEarthUtil::ObjectPlacer placer( GetMapNode() );
placer.createPlacerMatrix( 30.17400170, -85.75135240, 0, placerm );
    //osg::Drawable* water = CreateQuad( osg::Vec3(0,0,0), 100000, 100000 );
    //osg::Geode* ocean = new osg::Geode();
    //ocean->addDrawable( water );
m_pOcean = new C3DOcean;
osg::MatrixTransform* mat = new osg::MatrixTransform();
mat->addChild( m_pOcean->GetRoot() );   // mat->addChild( ocean );
m_pSceneRoot->addChild( mat );

    osg::Vec2f    windDirection = osg::Vec2f( 1.0f, 1.0f );
    float        windx = 1.1f;
    float        windy = 1.1f;
    float        windSpeed = 12.f;
    float        depth = 1000.f;
    float        reflectionDamping = 0.35f;
    float        waveScale = 1e-8;
    bool        isChoppy = true;
    float        choppyFactor = -2.5f;
    float        crestFoamHeight = 2.2f;
    double        oceanSurfaceHeight = 0.0f;
    osg::Vec3f    sunDir = - osg::Vec3f(-1056.89f, -771.886f, 1221.18f );

    // Ocean Root
    m_pOcean = new osg::Group;

    // prep paths
    // .. added pathnames here

    // Sky Cubemap - used for SkyDome and for relfection/refraction mapping
    m_pCubemap = C3DSkyDome::loadCubeMapTextures( "sky_fair_cloudy" );

    // Ocean Surface
    m_pOceanSurface = new osgOcean::FFTOceanSurface( 32, 256, 17, 
windDirection, windSpeed, depth, reflectionDamping, waveScale, isChoppy, 
choppyFactor, 10.f, 256 );  
    m_pOceanSurface->setEnvironmentMap( m_pCubemap.get() );
    m_pOceanSurface->setFoamBottomHeight( 2.2f );
    m_pOceanSurface->setFoamTopHeight( 3.0f );
    m_pOceanSurface->enableCrestFoam( false );
    m_pOceanSurface->setLightColor( osg::Vec4( 105/255.0, 138/255.0, 174/255.0, 
0.0 ) );
    m_pOceanSurface->enableEndlessOcean( false );

    // Ocean Scene
    m_pOceanScene = new osgOcean::OceanScene( m_pOceanSurface.get() );
    m_pOceanScene->setLightID( 0  );
    m_pOceanScene->enableReflections( true);
    m_pOceanScene->enableRefractions( true );
    m_pOceanScene->setCylinderSize( 1900.f, 4000.f );
    m_pOceanScene->setAboveWaterFog( 0.0012f, osg::Vec4( 172/255.0, 224/255.0, 
251/255.0, 0.0 ) );
    m_pOceanScene->setUnderwaterFog( 0.002f, osg::Vec4( 84/255.0, 135/255.0, 
172/255.0, 0.0 ) );
    m_pOceanScene->setUnderwaterDiffuse( osg::Vec4( 84/255.0, 135/255.0, 
172/255.0, 0.0 ) );
    m_pOceanScene->setUnderwaterAttenuation( osg::Vec3( 0.008f, 0.003f, 0.002f 
) );
    m_pOceanScene->setSunDirection( sunDir );
    m_pOceanScene->enableGodRays( true );
    m_pOceanScene->enableSilt( true );
    m_pOceanScene->enableUnderwaterDOF( false );
    m_pOceanScene->enableDistortion( true );
    m_pOceanScene->enableGlare( true );
    m_pOceanScene->setGlareAttenuation( 0.8f );

    // Create and add fake texture for use with nodes without any texture
    // since the OceanScene default scene shader assumes that texture unit 
    // 0 is used as a base texture map.
    // * I've tried the code with this section both on and off - no difference *
    osg::Image* image = new osg::Image;
    image->allocateImage( 1, 1, 1, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE );
    *(osg::Vec4ub*)image->data() = osg::Vec4ub( 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF );
    osg::Texture2D* fakeTex = new osg::Texture2D( image );
    fakeTex->setWrap( osg::Texture2D::WRAP_S,osg::Texture2D::REPEAT );
    fakeTex->setWrap( osg::Texture2D::WRAP_T,osg::Texture2D::REPEAT );
    fakeTex->setFilter( osg::Texture2D::MIN_FILTER,osg::Texture2D::NEAREST );
    fakeTex->setFilter( osg::Texture2D::MAG_FILTER,osg::Texture2D::NEAREST );
    osg::StateSet* stateset = m_pOceanScene->getOrCreateStateSet();
    stateset->setTextureAttribute( 0, fakeTex, osg::StateAttribute::ON );
    stateset->setTextureMode( 0, GL_TEXTURE_1D, osg::StateAttribute::OFF );
    stateset->setTextureMode( 0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, osg::StateAttribute::ON );
    stateset->setTextureMode( 0, GL_TEXTURE_3D, osg::StateAttribute::OFF );

    // attach to ocean root
    m_pOcean->addChild( m_pOceanScene );

Much of the osgOcean code was based on the bundled example app. As the comments 
mention, the section that creates the "fake texture" can also be turned off 
with no effect on the visual outcome, but I've left that in there for this 

All that said... Anyone have a clue what's going on here?? Because I'm now at a 
complete loss after the better part of a day of twddling things...

 ~ Chris Innanen
 ~ Nonsanity

P.s.  Perhaps when I asked if anyone had merged osgEarth and osgOcean together, 
instead of asking "how?" I should have asked "can?"...

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