Anders Backman wrote:
I managed to build what I need in 64bit.

My take on it was to cmakeify them all.
Collada, boost (only libsystem, libfilesystem), (jpeg, png and zlib was alredy cmakified.)

There are a few which Im not interested in, including jasper, tiff and a few more. I can certainly pack this into a zip including the bin/lib/include content.

I'll see if I get it done tomorrow.
Took a while though to get everything to build, which everyone (including the Collada team would open their eyes and spot CMake.
WOW nice to hear you managed to build also Collada with CMake! that was my next step.... if you have alrady done,less work!! I think this stuff should be pubblished somewhere to help other and to share effort, did you build static or shared? If the build id cross platform, we could also send the patches upstream: I ' ve got to do some patching to build... as you can see from
the zip content.
Let us know when you are ready to shre your work and if you agree to set up a repo for that.


On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 6:41 PM, Luigi Calori < <>> wrote:

    Hi, I ' m building a somehow cmaked, static version of the
    (currently basic) osg dependencies.
    I' m trying also to make it extensible by keeping patch and
    compiler options in separate folders.
    I attach a zip of my current repo:
    try to build the Assemblies/test2 folder with latest 2.8 cmake.
    It should work also for win64 i tested with msvc9 32

    Hope it helps

    Morné Pistorius wrote:

        Hi Anders,

        How did you get on with this?  Were you able to build the
        third party
        dependencies for Win64?  A third party package, even with just the
        basic dependencies to build most of OSG, would really be
        helpful.  I
        was about to start building my own when I found this thread,
        and hoped
        you had beat me to it! :)


        On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 8:45 AM, Anders Backman
        < <>> wrote:
            Hi all. Looong  time no see.
            Im currently trying to build OSG on 64bit under windows
            Getting all the dependencies over to 64bit is a....pain.
            I did a quick search through forum/mail, and it seems that
            not many does
            Is there ANYONE with a prebuilt package including Collada
            (with boost, pcre,
            libxml), jpeg, png, zlib for 64bit windows?

            The Cmake:d versions of jpeg, zlib, png was certainly a
            big help.
            But before I dig into this, perhaps someone has a prebuilt

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