
I didn't try to follow your code, but here's and overview of how we do it:

Have a camera/manipulator makeLookAt command that takes eye, center and up vectors. (These can be converted to the osg manipulators' distance, rotation, center).

Have a transformation matrix from ECEF coords to local coords. Assume the camera is positioned/rotated in ECEF.

In the local coords calculate eye, center, up. Convert to ECEF using the transformation matrix and stick into makeLookAt.


Allen Saucier wrote:
I am having some extreme difficulty in rotating my viewing camera 90 degrees with respect 
to a "local" coordinate system.

Local coordinate system: (in geocentric measure)
mine is at the edge of the earth; i.e. i'm using a spherical earth.  here is 
how I compute the local axes:

fuctionName ( osg::PositionAttitudeTransform pax )
osg::vec3d  objectLocation = pax->getPosition(); // where x,y,z are -678468.2, 
-5405095.0, 3682910.3
osg:;quat qOrient = pax->getAttitude();
osg::vec3d  up(0,0,1); // z axis of the earth or World coordinates

osg::vec3d x_axis = up ^ objectLocaction;
osg::vec3d y_axis = objectLocaction ^ x_axis;

osg::Quat  qRotAboutAxisByDegree;
qRotAboutAxisByDegree.makeRotate( osg::DegreesToRadians(-90.), objectLocaction);
osg::Quat  qNewOrient  =  qOrient * qRotAboutAxisByDegree;

s_mtxdIrCamPosOrientOri  =  osg::matrix::rotate(qNewOrient) * 


1. I know for a fact that the pax is set correctly with position & attitude 
because my objects are being placed on my terrain, which is georeferenced terrain, 
correctly; i.e. they are perpendicular w/ the terrain and sit nicely on it.

2. the above code snippet actually works for rotation about the "local" Z axis 
and I am looking straight down at my terrain; i.e. directly down the local Z axis.

3. I want to rotate the camera "up" 90 degrees and be looking down the positive 
X axis.

4. I have tried replacing qRotAboutAxisByDegree.makeRotate( osg::DegreesToRadians(-90.), objectLocaction);

with qRotAboutAxisByDegree.makeRotate( osg::DegreesToRadians(-90.), x_axis);
and I get the camera rotated about some axis I am NOT sure of and I am looking 
at the terrain from a peculiar angle, though I know not what angle.

5. I am using the TerrainManipulator as my scene matrix manipulator, if that 

Would someone please give me insight as to how to do this?  I would be greatly 
appreciative as the solution is totally eluding me. :O
Thank you!
Thank you very much.


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