paul1492 wrote:
> Where do I find information on the various threading models of OSG? 
> I'm using OSG 2.6 and have a custom CullVisitor which handles processing of a 
> custom node. What can I do within a CullVisitor? Does it need to be thread 
> safe? Can I update a texture or MatrixTransform (for a fixed bounding sphere)?
> Paul P.

Any help would be appreciated. I've been fighting with this for many weeks now 
and getting nowhere.

I also have a real-time application (using RedHawk Linux) which is doing other 
things besides OSG stuff.  I tried to shield and set the affinity of my other 
processes but I'm having trouble "controlling" where the OSG threads are 
running. I have a limited number of CPUs/Cores (4 in particular). Running OSG 
in SingleThreaded model seems to be hard coded to use CPU 0 and 1 which isn't 
good. The other threading models seem to spray all but CPU 0 with threads. I 
also need to use the DatabasePager.

What is the best way to configure OSG for this environment? Can somebody 
explain the other OSG threading models?

Paul P.

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