Ok, then it explains why it does not compile. Yes, svn trunk of osgPPU tracks 
the svn trunk of OSG. 

Hmm, I wonder how to handle different osg branches in future. I mean if again 
something like this happens, then I had either to create additional branch in 
osgPPU repository to track with the according osg branch (which I didn't really 
like) or to detect the version and write preprocessor or cmake workarounds for 
that (which is also not a good solution).

Paul do you have any ideas on that?

For this release I will go for a preprocessor solution, I think. Since I am not 
sure if I am ready to tag already new version of osgPPU, since I want to check 
it before tagging.


P.S. Allen, I think, I should have the changes tomorrow.

Paul Martz wrote:
> Allen Saucier wrote:
> Names of the member functions in the FBOExtensions class changed on trunk 
> after 
> the 2.8.2 release. OSG 2.8.3 was released off the 2.8 branch and is 99.9% API 
> compatible with OSG 2.8.2. The FBOExtensions name changes are not in 2.8.3. 
> It 
> looks to me like trunk of osgPPU is tracking trunk of OSG (which I would 
> expect).
> Art and I discussed osgPPU and the 2.8.3 release previously. If you check the 
> archives, I believe you'll find a post from me stating that the same version 
> of 
> osgPPU that worked with 2.8.2 should also work with 2.8.3.
> -- 
> -Paul Martz      Skew Matrix Software
> http://www.skew-matrix.com/
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