Hi Paul,

you are right, current svn trunk of osgPPU is not compatible with osg 2.8.3, 
thats true. But what I mean is what should external project developers do, if 
there is a branch with different API in the osg svn repository?

For example, current osg developer version is 2.9.8 which is not compatible to 
2.8.3. The version 2.8.3 came right a weak ago or so. The 2.9.8 and 2.9.7 osg 
versions exists longer than the 2.8.3 version. So as for my project I try to be 
compatible to the most youngest osg version. In this case this is the developer 
version in the trunk. 

However if some time ago there was a split into another branch it might became 
painful to have an external NodeKit compatible with all official osg branches 
that exists. I mean 2.8.3 is based on 2.8, so between 2.8 and 2.9 there was an 
API change, this is ok. However both versions 2.8.3 and 2.9.x were maintained 
in parallel. So for NodeKit developers this would mean we have to take care 
also on osg branches in our trunks, which might became painful. Therefor I just 
asked, which kind of solutions there might exists. 

But, ok, never mind, I will try to come up now with a solution to have the best 
of both worlds, new features and compatible API to the official stable release. 


P.S. On the osgPPU webpage there is a compatiblity list given. So, currently no 
stable realase exists for the newest osg stable release, but this will change 
in the next days ;)

Thank you!


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