Hi Allen,

So, I assume you are using the same mechanism to turn blur effect on/off as in 
the example you posted previously. You remember, the example which I have 
included into the osgppu repository. In that example everything worked fine, 
camera's texture is updated. 

Could it be that you are using slave camera, or just not the main camera for 
the pipeline. So that just wrong camera is updated. If you not sure, if 
everything is right, then just put a simple pipeline, without any shaders in 
it, i.e. UnitCameraBypass->UnitOut. This will just put the output of the camera 
on the screen. Check then if your camera is updated correctly. 

The glow example in the osgppu repository shows an effect using two cameras. So 
maybe this might help you to debug your camera's setup.


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