Hi Stephan/All

Sorry I've been gone so long, I've been dying of glandular fever for the
last two months :(

Nice one for getting this repository set up, I'm very keen to get IPhone
version done and dusted. I can start looking into the CMake support,
although I'll be starting from scratch as my cmake knowledge is limited to
hitting the configure button in visual cmake :).

I'll see if I can get an iphone xcode project out of cmake this weekend and
report my results.

>From the above sounds like you got the proper quicktime imageio plugin to

Thanks again

> Hi all,
> I have set up an github repository for the iphone-port of osg, as
> there's some work to do, before it's ready for inclusion in osg-trunk.
> git makes it easy to keep the iphone specific modifications in a
> separate branch.
> It's my last version, I took the mentioned zip from Thomas Hogarth when
> it was available and did some bugfixing and updated osg to a more recent
> version. the iphone-port is now based on rev 11554.
> So feel free to send patches for the iphone port:
> you'll find the repository at
> http://github.com/stmh/OpenSceneGraph-port-to-IOS
> there are mainly two branches: master which reflects osgs
> subversion-version, and iphone which holds the modifications and project
> files for the iphone port.
> what's missing for primetime:
> * most important: Cmake build support, currently the iphone port uses a
> handcrafted xcode-project (again, argh!)
> * multitouch-support for osgGA and implementation in GraphicsWindowIphone
> * some fancy multitouch camera handlers :)
> what's working:
> * the core libs and the following plugins: osg, iomageio
> and some more testing and love.
> cheers,
> Stephan
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