Hi Robert,

I know one of the stated goals/community goals of VPB is to run
without local graphics hardware, or without a graphics context (from
I'm interested in tackling a similar and possibly related goal;
running VPB without a dependency on X11 with (ideally) or without
hardware acceleration. Possibly this could be done via DirectFB/GL or
EGL (which I'm not yet very familiar with). I noticed you've added
some EGL support to OSG in latest trunk, which leads me to a few
questions on the best way to proceed.

1) Have you considered this problem, and if so, what did you have in
mind for OSG as far as an approach to addressing it?
2) What's the current state of any development in this direction?
3) What would be the best tack for someone, such as myself, to take in
implementing/completing it?

Thanks for your consideration and I hope I can contribute in some way -

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