Hi Eduard,

The use of PBO may well help, but only if the pixel formats are
accelerated properly by the driver, this can be a bit of lottery.

It just so happens that my recent work on integrating GLU
implementations directly into the core OSG has been prompted by the
wish to pre-process imagery into a form that is better for downloading
to the graphics card.  I will be tweaking the gluScaleImage function
to enable us to call it from any thread, rather being restricted to
just threads with a valid graphics context, this opens the door to
resizing, altering pixel formats and generating mipmaps all in normal
CPU threads, such as parts threads that are loading data.

Another step along this route I plan to integrate the
NvidiaTextureTools SDK into a plugin to allow us to compress imagery
to GL friendly compressed pixel formats, again this can be done as
runtime pre-processing step so that all the data is a form that is
ideal for downloading to the GPU and minimizing memory footprint and

This will all be part of the next dev release, 2.9.10, and the up
coming 3.0 release.

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