Hi Robert,

Thanks for the reply. 

If LineSegmentIntersector does nothing to the scenegraph, I'm definitely not 
modifying the scenegraph in the process that spawned the thread so there must 
be something else going on that is causing the thread to stop running.

I have gone into the debugger and the thread goes into a wait state which never 
returns. Obviously I will need to dig deeper to find out why. 

My purpose of inquiry to the forum was to make sure I wasn't forgetting 
something with using OpenThreads or in understanding how LineSegmentIntersector 
works on the scenegraph.

It is curious that the thead stops running when using LineSegmentIntersector to 
compute intersections. Otherwise it runs fine...

For the record, I'm currently using 64bit Linux Fedora core 13. This exact same 
software runs fine on Fedora core 10 and RedHat 5.4...weird.


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