Hi Kurt,

On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 3:16 PM, Cracj Kurt <couple...@mail.ru> wrote:
> how can I draw a second-order equation?

An impressive lack of information to go on there... what do you mean
by "draw a second-order equation"?  What exactly are you expecting?
Lines?  Surfaces? Volumes?

> what class\methods need use?

osgMindReader::DoAnythingICanImagineButNeedn'tBotherExplainingWhatImean class.

Since I don't really know what you are after, I have to take the safe
route and say the OSG can't do what you are wanting out of the box as
we don't have a osgMindReader NodeKit yet.

However, modern vertex shaders are very flexible and given the right
input data and shader code can do pretty complex things with lines and
surfaces. So I no doubt that if you can work out what you actually
need then you can probably implement it.

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