Hi Tom,
thanks a lot for your answer!

Tom Pearce wrote:
> In the step where you're calculating m, it looks like you're applying the 
> rotation to the original matrix, which includes a translation already.

Yes, this is (perhap) what i want. I try to be less ambiguous: my scene is a 
small room with a table at the center. The table, how you can see in pics has 8 
rods, The table is translated by (0, 0, -309) to be placed on the floor
My goal is to rotate a rdd using the mouse wheel: when i pick & scroll up on a 
rod it should rotate the related rod by +angle (the variable rotation in code) 
on Y axis (-rotation if i scroll down). 
This is why (in my reasoning) i use the original matrix for rotate: i should 
not know how much rotated is the rod. The rod only need to be rotated on its Y 
axis, it should not be translated 

Tom Pearce wrote:
> I'm not sure why you say that the rotation and translation is formally right 
> - the final translation should be equal to the original translation if you're 
> rotating about a local axis, but it isn't.

I said "formally right" because reading the output it seems that the rod is 
positioned right, but i'm not sure of this, since visually the rod is bad 
positioned after the rotation. Sincerely, more time I spend on this issue, more 
I feel confused :-))
However, to understand better how rods have to work (for rotating) , look some 
seconds of the following video:

PS: excuse my archaic English!

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