
search for "hdr" in osgprerender and osgmultiplerendertargets examples.


On 12/08/2011 09:54, "Martin Großer" wrote:
Hello Guys,

I am a little bit dissatisfied. I want to render into an Image. I need the 
pixel data on the cpu memory. That is the reason why I don't use a texture as 
target. Anyway I need a higher precision than 8 bit. So I tried to render into 
an 16 Bit luminance image. Then I got an OpenGL error:

Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid enumerant' after RenderBin::draw(,)

I tried other internal formats (i.e. GL_RGBA16F_ARB and GL_RGBA32F_ARB), but I 
got the same message.

Here is partial code from me:

   // init image
   _sumImg = new ::osg::Image;
   _sumImg->allocateImage(1, 1, 1, GL_LUMINANCE16, GL_FLOAT);


   // init pre render camera
   _preCam = new ::osg::Camera;
   _preCam->attach(::osg::Camera::COLOR_BUFFER0, _sumImg);

   // get the pixel color at location (0,0)
   ::osg::Vec4 c = _sumImg->getColor(0,0);



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