On 9/21/2011 10:54 AM, Sebastian Messerschmidt wrote:

I've have a question regarding RenderToTexture in a multipass setup.
I have to RTT cameras, the first one has DEPTH and 3 color attachments, while the second has only one color attachment. I need to use the data from the first RTT-pass in the second camera, so the renderorder is set accordingly.

Basically my scene is organized like this:

    |    |----Model
    |    |----Model

Booth cameras use the same geometry, viewport, transform. Yet the Model graph is culled twice. Is there any way to prevent the second cull traversal? I.e. reuse the batch collected in the first culling?

In OSG, culling (the CullVisitor) also collects state. Since you are almost certainly using two different shaders (one that writes to three targets, another which writes to one), it's unlikely that OSG's state graph can be reused in your situation.

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