
I think maybe computeLocalCoordinateFrame just assumes you want a coordinate frame at 0 height. The separate functions convertXYZToLatLongHeight [1] for going from ECEF to LLA and computeLocalToWorldTransformFromLatLongHeight work fine AFAIK.

You can also modify the transform so you have XYZ in the local coordinate frame line up with axes you expect.

Here's the code we use to create a local North, East, Down transform at a given LLA.

osg::Matrixd getLocalToWorldTransformFromLatLongHeight(
    const double lat_deg,
    const double lon_deg,
    const double alt_m)
    osg::Matrixd localToWorld;
osg::DegreesToRadians(lat_deg), osg::DegreesToRadians(lon_deg), alt_m,

    // The coordinate system used by OSG is Z-up, Y-north, X-east
    // rotate to ours of X-north, Y-east, Z-down.
    osg::Matrixd makenorth;

    osg::Matrixd makeup;

    return makenorth * makeup * localToWorld;



[1] Note there are 3 coordinate systems involved, local XYZ, ECEF XYZ and LLA. The matrix from getLocalToWorldTransformFromLatLongHeight converts between ECEF and local XYZ.

On 08/11/2011 22:20, Scott Wasinger wrote:

I have a task that will require placing a model of  launch vehicle in
orbit around the earth and I've been delving into the OSG library
code so I don't have to re-invent functionality that may already
exist.  Both the CoordinateSystemNode and the EllipsoidModel classes
are well defined and look very promising.  But I'm concerned about
how some code that computes the local coordinate frame.

in CoordinateSystemNode::computeLocalCoordinateFrame

Line # 45-61

the variable 'height' doesn't seem to be utilized.  Whatever value
was returned after calling this


longitude, height);

seems not to factor in the height when trying to compute the local to
world transform from Latitude, Longitude and Height.


longitude, 0.0f, localToWorld);

Is this a possible bug or am I missing something important?

Thank you!!


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