Hi Andrey,

Just assuming the libpng15.dll is the one you build from source, and not something you happened to have in your path.. renaming the way you did is not very likely to work, an executable should now the name of the dll it wants to use, and will fail to start if you renamed it. However, the libpng15.dll itself tends to depend on libz.dll (or libz1.dll) - the one you build. that should also be in your path.


On 11/30/2011 6:22 PM, Andrey Ibe wrote:
thank you for the tip. i tried locating the libpng library and i found there was a file 
libpng15.dll in the system path. i don't really know how this library file-name-thing 
really works so i renamed it to "libpng.dll" and tried running my osg app 
again, but without any success.

i will try the program you suggested shortly and report the result, though i 
have all the libraries that i needed to compile the libpng and the osg in the 
system path variable.


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